A loan helped to pay for plastic plates, buckets, and strainers and to reinvest the earnings in her business.

Wend-Yam Emilia Elise's story

Ms. WEND-YAM EMILIA ELISE, aged 23, is the married mother of a 2-year-old child not yet in school. She has one person to support.

For two years, she has been selling plastic plates and gets supplies from nearby markets.

With the money granted, she intends to purchase 20 dozen plates, 15 dozen buckets, and 25 dozen strainers to resell. She wants to reinvest the earnings in her business. Her ambitions include expanding, buying a parcel of land, and covering school fees.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

This loan is special because:

It empowers borrowers to grow their businesses.

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