A loan helped to pay for her one of her children's technical school tuition fees for the third year.

Fatima's story

Fatima is a 40-year-old Lebanese mother of two children who tries her best to support them with decent living conditions and proper education.

She is an outstanding borrower from Kiva’s field partner Al Majmoua, where she is acquiring her sixth loan to cover her children's education expenses.

She will use her Back to School loan to pay for her one of her children's technical school tuition fees for the third year after her previous loan helped her in paying the tuition fees also.

She is a caring mother who wishes to see her children successful members in the future and build them a brighter future.

By contributing in this loan, you will be helping in providing education for students with limited education opportunities.

This loan is special because:

It enables students with limited options to get an education.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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