A loan helped to buy 60 20-liter canisters of oil and 40 bags of rice to build savings and help his children's education.

Raga's story

Raga is 42 years old and has four children, two of whom go to school. He is a trader and runs a retail store that he opened 15 years ago in the suburbs of the capital.

This is his sixth loan cycle with Yikri. Having reimbursed is second Kiva loan without difficulties, he is now requesting a new loan to buy 60 oil canisters of 20 liters and 40 bags of rice in order to satisfy his clients' demand.

He wants to use the profits to reinvest in his business and to build savings for his children's education. He thanks Yikri for supporting non bankable entrepreneurs. Thanks to their loans, he is able to create better conditions for his children's education.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Madeleine Travers.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers access financial services on flexible terms with no collateral requirements.

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