Don Ricardo is 50 years old. From a young age, he worked so that he could have his own business. He currently manages a grocery store with his wife so that they can feed and educate their three children who are attending high school. Ricardo began saving part of his salary from his previous job. He later opened the store using his severance pay. In addition, he sells sour milk in the mornings. He leaves early with whatever supply his wife gives him. The sales from the grocery business are sometimes few, so selling sour milk helps to keep the expenses in balance.
With this loan, Ricardo will be able to build a wall that is greatly needed to provide security for his home and his family. The area is currently closed off with sheets of zinc. He will buy the necessary construction materials such as stone, sand, cement, and iron so that the work can begin. His plans for the future are to close off the entire patio and provide his children with a good education.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.