A loan helped to buy corn, flour, vegetables, curd, yeast among other supplies to maintain the production of tamales and bread.

Ingris Maribel's story

Ingris continues to sell bread and tamales to provide for her family.

She is requesting a new loan to purchase the raw materials she needs in order to supply her business' inventory. The capital will be used to buy corn, flour, vegetables, curd, yeast, among other supplies to maintain the production of tamales and bread.

The previous financing allowed her to buy in bulk the supplies she needed to produce the products she sells. She got those products at a lower price thus increasing the profits from the sales of her products. Her number of customers has increased and because of that her income is stable. Her family has not changed, but their quality of life is more comfortable.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Paulo Aguiar.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in El Salvador.

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