A loan helped a member to buy pig feed for breeding pigs.

Mr. Chorn Chel Village Bank Group's story

This village bank is made up of fourteen people who are villagers in Kampong Svay Leu village in Kandal province. Mr. C. C. is the village bank president who has been selected by all the members. They will each use their loan for different purposes. He is a tobacco seller door-to-door and his wife, Mrs. Lai Heng Lort, is a brown 'sapote' (fruit) seller and besides this, she is a pig breeder as well.

However hard they try to work with their businesses, they can earn only a little income because they do not have enough money to support their piglets. Thus, in order to improve their family's living conditions, Mr. C. C. decided to seek a loan to buy pig feed for breeding pigs. He is a father of four children who are attending local public school.

In this group: Chorn, Vannak, Sorphea, Samon, Lem, Ngaet, Sady, Koemhorng, Doeun, Sophorn, Sophal, Koemyeng, Sokhoeun, Ngeth

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details