A loan helped a member to buy baskets of fresh fish to resell at retail.

Dk Khady Group's story

This group, composed of seven members, was created three loan cycles ago. It brings together women from the same village, united by friendly social and professional relationships.

Madame Khady is the group leader; she is 52 and married with five children, three girls and two boys, all of whom go to school. Khady is a very dynamic woman, engaged in the internal activities of the banc villageois.

She has been active in the sale of fresh fish for more than 10 years and has a lot of experience in this field.

With her new loan, she will procure baskets of fresh fish that she will resell at the small market in her area.

The profits from her business will allow her to manage the school fees of her children and help her husband to manage the family expenses.

In this group: Khady, Bitty, Salla, Khota, Nogaye, Fatou, Diarry

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural Senegal.

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