A loan helped a member to purchase more seeds and fertilizers to use in her field in order to cultivate a large quantity of maize to sell.

Abakoranabushake 260 Group's story

Elizabeth is a married mother with one child who is attending school. She is living happily with her partner in the Kabarore community in the east of the country.

Elizabeth owns an agricultural business of cultivating maize and her business is organized. This is her tenth year operating this business. She is requesting a loan so she can overcome her challenges by purchasing more seeds and fertilizers to use in her field in order to cultivate a large quantity of maize to sell.

With any profits, Elizabeth will be able to continue educating her child without any problem and to buy medical insurance for her family. She hopes her family’s life will improve. Elizabeth is the Abakoranabushake 260 Group leader. In the picture, Elizabeth raised up her hand.

In this group: Elizabeth , John, Marceline, Justin, Christine, Consolee, Verdiane, Betty

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs working in agriculture and livestock in rural Rwanda.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details