A loan helped a member to buy beans, soft-drinks, bread, coffee, cookies, rice, lard, cooking oil, churros, sauces, pasta, soups, salt, spices, meats, vegetables, cheeses, manioc, fruits, sugar, and water.

Gracias A Dios Group's story

The “Gracias a Dios” (Thanks be to God) communal bank is in the Morazan neighborhood and is composed of three women who have known each other for a long time. Following are their various commercial activities:

Noemy Esperanza Z. F., 53, lives in a common law union; she sells snacks and soft-drinks. She has been in this line of work for about 20 years and will use the funds to buy meats, vegetables and soft-drinks.

Santos Abadesa Z., 40, lives in a common law union and has two children. She sells prepared meals across from the San Francisco hardware store; she sells grilled meat, tacos, enchiladas and fruit juices. She will use the funds to buy meat, beans, tortillas, beverages, potatoes, vegetables, etc.

Francis Azucena H., 33, is a single mother and has a grocery store in her home where she sells assorted groceries. She will use the funds to buy stock items for her store.

In this group: Noemy Esperanza, Santos Abadesa, Francis Azucena

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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