The group was formed in the Constitution neighborhood of the city of Caaguazú, because the loan program was promoted throughout the area. A group of women with a great desire to continue working joined together with the goal of obtaining a small loan with Fundación Paraguaya. They loved the idea of forming an independent group where responsibility was a joint burden, since they all needed a little assistance in order to continue with their daily work. They are of one thought: that together, and working as a team, nothing is impossible.
One of the women in the group is Ms. Alicia, who sells gold and silver jewelry, as well as perfumes and undergarments. She visits her customers’ homes to offer her merchandise. She also markets her products to commercial businesses and jewelry stores. Her work is difficult, as she has to walk long distances in order to sell her jewelry. However, she is glad for the income she can generate because it allows her to help support her family financially. The loan she paid off was used to buy jewelry and perfumes to sell.
In this group: Leonidas, Marli, Ignacia, Alicia, Ladislaa, Daysi, Galdys, Maria, Maria, Rosalba, Mariela, Binicia, Lucia, Gloria, Marina, Bernardina, Isidora
Translated from Spanish. View original language description.