A loan helped a member purchase gas bottles.

Juntos Trabajando Group's story

Liz Sharon is 22 years old, and has a little daughter of 3 years. Liz has been a member of the group 'Juntos Trabajando' for one and a half years. She was recently elected president of her group by her 9 colleagues, all residents of the Comas district.

2 years ago, motivated by her grandmother who had a gas sale business, Liz invested a small amount of money in the purchase of gas bottles and offered to help her grandmother sell them. This is how her business started, and it gives her the opportunity to earn money to cover her daughter's costs.

Her next goal is to achieve having another business, which she would like to be a restaurant or juice bar. The loan she is seeking will be invested in purchasing gas, and supporting her husband who produces artesanal objects.

In this group: Liz Sharonn, Maria Esther, Nira, Lili, Angel Raul, Francisca, Rufino, Maria Roxana, Jorge Javier, Mirtha Vanesa

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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