A loan helped a member to buy oranges and bananas, among other things, for her business selling fruit.

Virgen Del Carmen De Yuncaypata Group's story

These borrowers belong to the Virgen del Carmen de Yuncaypata communal bank. One of the members, Luz Marina, is 42 years old She works selling fruits. She is a responsible and enterprising person. She hopes to obtain more income from her business in order to continue supporting her family, as this is how she moves forward.

Luz seeks this loan to buy oranges and bananas, among other things. The borrowers in general are grateful for the loan being awarded them, and promise to comply with the scheduled payments.

In this group: Avelina, Luz Marina, Anacleta, Antolina, Sonia, Ubaldina, Julia, Abelina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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