A loan helped purchase merchandise: teddy bears, dolls, footballs, trucks, other games.

Juan Evangelista's story

Juan Evangelista Salina L. is 55 years old. He is married to Saturnina Sosa Villalba and they live in their own home situated in the suburb Arroyo Pora in the Cambyreta district.

Juan has been a businessman for several years. He distributes and sells toys. He has a lot of customers in the Encarnación y Las Colonias zone where he permanently distributes his merchandise. Saturnina is a housewife and takes charge of all the household work. Thanks to Juan's work they have been able to move their family forward, giving their children a dignified life and meeting all costs that they are presented with.

Juan is seeking this loan to purchase more merchandise, as he is having a sale and has many customers that he doesn't want to let down.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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