A loan helped to buy mulberry bark for making "tapa" (a patterned cloth).

'Akosita's story

This is 'Akosita. She is a 41-year-old single lady from the island of 'Eua. She lives in her own house, by herself. 'Akosita runs a business of tapa making, where she joined a group of tapa making women in their village, and they lean hand in hand in helping each other make tapa.

'Akosita has been running this business for decades, and it has become a part of her life, for this is where she gets her money from. She prepares her tapa, then ships it overseas and sometimes sells it out at their own local market. She has become a role model to some women who also run their own little business and also have become successful and very trusted clients of SPBD.

In her previous loans, she paid them successfully and now she is applying for another loan, with the aim of buying mulberry for her business to continue running it. Her vision for the future is to encourage women that they can be independent and be able to make money with their hands, not just the husbands.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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