Maria Zoila R. S. is 31 years old, married and has five children. She lives in the Guaranda district of Bolívar province.
She is a member of the Grupo Enmanuel rural credit union, which is located 45 minutes away from Guaranda, the capital of Bolívar province. There are 17 members of the group; it is an agricultural and livestock-farming community of indigenous people who all speak Quechua. Maria works in agriculture in order to increase her family income. The crops that do best are corn, broadbeans, lentils and barley. She also raises domesticated animals such as cattle, chicken, sheep and pigs, which she sells from home and she sells her harvests in the wholesale market of Guaranda every six months.
The main cultural activity is carnival, which is celebrated every year in February. Maria also likes to wash, cook and sew.
The loan she is requesting is to buy supplies for her work in the fields, mostly for chemical and organic fertilizers. Her goal is to have a good source of income for her family. The challenges she faces are problems due to weather and diseases that affect the crops.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.