A loan helped a member purchase materials for making hats.

Tarumandy Poty Group's story

The contact responsible for starting this present committee is Sra. Hilaria Duarte, who reports to the program advisor of Fundación Paraguaya. She organized and invited her neighbors to join the Committee of Women Entrepreneurs Program.

All of them work with great hope of improving their lives. Such is the case of Sra. Rocío Carolina L., who produces handmaD. hats. She will invest the money in the purchase of materials needed for her work such as “karanday” (a plant fiber native to Paraguay), leather, scissors, and other items. This will allow her to offer a wider variety of quality hats to her customers.

In this group: Rocio Carolina, Luz, Epifania, Leonidas, Felicita, Justina, Cristina, Maria, Gladyz, Liz, Lida, Pelagia, Perla, Rossana, Ignacia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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