A loan helped to buy mulberry for her tapa-making business and to help with her plantation business.

Mele's story

Meet this 55-year-old widow named Mele. She has four grown children, and they all have their own families. Mele is living with her eldest daughter in her house. She runs a business of tapa making and also has a plantation. She is a successful businesswoman.

Mele joined a tapa making group to make tapa, and they do the tapa making only once a week. From the tapa making, Mele receives many tapas that are large sized, then decorates them herself and sells them. She also sells some soft tapa.

On her plantation, her daughter and son-in-law are helping her out. They grow taro, kumara, cassava, yams, and also bananas. When it is time, they harvest the produce, then export some overseas and also sell some at the local market in town.

It has been years since she join the SPBD loan program, and Mele is a very trusted member. She also hires part time employees to help with the plantation, and also some women in making the tapas. She is applying for a loan in order to buy mulberry for tapa-making, and also to pay for plantation needs, such as ploughing for watermelon growth.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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