A loan helped a member to buy seeds and fertilisers.

Las Hormiguitas Group's story

The members belong to the communal bank, "Las Hormiguitas". The member, Zenobia, earns a living through her agriculture business and her business rearing animals. The member has a plot of land where she sows coffee and bananas. She is a hard-working person who, through this business, wants to get ahead in life. Her dream is to expand her agricultural business. Zenobia is asking for a loan to buy seeds and fertilisers.

The member is stuck into the group photo as she had her photo taken after the meeting because she asked permission to do so due to work.

The members, in general, feel grateful for the loan given and she promises to meet her established repayments.

In this group: Lucha, Zenobia, Flora, Fortunata, Juan, Yessica, Alvaro Gonzalo, Mary Ivonne, Kenyi, Maria, Susan Katyuska, Maria Reina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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