A loan helped to purchase more tailoring materials to sell.

Agatha's story

47-year-old Agnatha lives in Benin City. She is married and has 5 children. Her children are between the ages of 13 and 23 years. She sells tailoring materials to customers at retail prices and has been in the trade for some years. She assists her husband in responding to some family needs like food, buying the children’s schoolbooks, clothing, etc.

Her last Kiva loan was used to boost her business and she is happy about the improvement her business has experienced. Agnatha hopes to expand her business; she is requesting for loan amount of NGN 150, 000 to purchase more tailoring materials to sell. She hopes to repay back her loan at the due date. She expresses her huge gratitude to Kiva lenders and LAPO microfinance for their initiative.

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