Sr. Gerson lives in the town of La Guardia, which is 20km from the city of Santa Cruz. He lives in a house through an “anticretico” arrangement (in which the property owner pawns the house to the occupant). Gerson is married and has two young children. He works in the transportation sector, but also has a second job in construction since his transport business is not stable. His wife Sra. Magdalena looks after their children so that he can work in the early hours until late into the night to support their family.
Gerson is a responsible, dynamic, and hardworking person who puts in tremendous effort to improve the quality of life for his family. He will use this loan to repair and perform maintenance on his vehicle in order to offer better service to his clients. He is grateful to Emprender and Kiva for their trust by providing this loan.
If you would like to learn more about the province of El Torno or La Guardia visit the website:
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.