A loan helped buy supplies for farming business.

Maria Luisa's story

Sra. Maria Luisa G. D. O., 57, lives in the Peruvian "departamento" of La Libertad. She is a member of the San Borja community bank. She has six years of primary school. She tells us that she is from a region of Peru where girls often didn't go to school so her parents didn't give her more schooling. Maria Luisa is partnered and has 5 children, all of whom are now independent. She makes a living selling vegetables--carrots, tomatoes, pumpkins, potatoes, etc.--at a market near her house. She also raises ducks, sheep and cattle on a nearby farm that she owns.

Maria Luisa plants and cultivates much of the produce that she sells in the market herself, at the farm. She tells us the work is hard but reminds us that she is a country girl, used to hard work. With her first loan of 300 new soles, Maria Luisa bought fertilizer for her farm. She will use this new loan, for 1,500 new soles, to buy more fertilizer and prepare a new crop of carrots, potatoes, beans, etc.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jere Wiseman.

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