A loan helped to purchase spare parts so that he serves his customers better.

Joram's story

Joram is 37 years old and married with six children.

He is a mechanic and also runs a spare parts shop in Kampala for a living. He has been in this business since 2005 and has been able to make his family live happily.

However he is challenged by the lack of enough capital to boost his business. This has therefore pushed him to source funds worth 3,000,000 UGX from UGAFODE, which he will use to purchase more spare parts for the shop so that he serves his customers better.

He is a person of integrity, an attribute that his customers like about him. He is most thankful to Kiva lenders for the assistance extended to him.

This loan is special because:

It provides financing to underserved borrowers.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details