A loan helped to purchase fertilizers and agricultural supplies.

Rosa María's story

Rosa Maria L. C. is 54 years old, a single mother, and lives in the San Caralampio region. She has 5 grown children, two of whom help her with the tasks on the farm. She has been in agriculture since she was 22 years old, and it was thanks to agricultural reform that they were able to start harvesting crops.

Among the plans she has to enhance her standard of living, is the purchase of a water tank. This vital liquid is not supplied in her zone, which threatens production during times of drought. She is requesting a loan to purchase fertilizers and agricultural supplies to support better agricultural maintenance for her lands and to guarantee an optimum opportunity for her crops to thrive. This injection of future capital will aid her in establishing a pineapple crop, which will help her financially to venture into new areas of crop production and to continue to improve her quality of life.

Translated from Spanish.

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