A loan helped a member to buy more sorghum.

Girimpuhwe Cb Group's story

Greetings from Rwanda! This is Girimpuhwe Cb, a group of entrepreneurs who own businesses varying from food production to retail. The group’s name translates as “the grace” in English.

Vestine is 50 years old married with five children between 15 and 26 years old and is the group’s proud representative.

She sells foodstuffs at the local market and has been running this business for the past eight years.

Vestine has requested this loan to buy more sorghum to sell at the market to meet customer demand so that she can have an income, which can help her to raise her children and improve her lifestyle.

In the future, Vestine plans to see her business growing to the level she can gain more from it.

She thanks you for your support.

In this group: Agnes, Marie, Verena, Marie Goreth, Berthe, Eleneste, Cartas, Mediatrice, Vestine, Marie Grace, Jean Marie Vianney, Charlotte, Eveline, Pascasie, Budensiyana, Odette, Mudashiri, Jacqueline, Vestine, Claudine, Jeannette, Clemence, Jacqueline, Elisa, Agnes, Juliette, Joselyne, Vestine, Immaculee, Agnes, Claude, Marie Joseline, Albertine

This loan is special because:

It provides financial opportunities to riskier Rwandan entrepreneurs who rely on social collateral.

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