A loan helped to purchase additional cages and chickens.

Canisius's story

Canisius is an entrepreneur, husband, and father of one. Canisius runs a poultry company. He has 2 employees and very loyal clients. While many people run businesses because they see a need in the market, Canisius not only saw a need, but he also was called to follow his passion. As a young professional, Canisius studied to be a doctor, and actually practiced medicine for several years. But it didn't make him happy.

In 2011, Canisius left his practice and started a poultry company with about 7,000 USD of his own savings. The company started by selling chickens that were raised for meat, but now Canisius wants to expand to raising chickens that produce eggs. To grow his business, Canisius needs a loan to purchase additional cages, fencing and other equipment, and he needs to buy baby egg-laying chicks.

With this growth, Canisius would be able to hire a few additional employees and begin supplying to larger markets and wholesalers in Rwanda.

This loan is special because:

It offers a full package of support for Rwanda's promising entrepreneurs.

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