Julia María R. R. is a nurse in Somoto’s health center.
She is asking for funds to buy building materials and supplies like: cement, sand, bricks. She plans to remodel her house and improve its condition.
She started working as a nurse about 10 years ago when she finished secondary school. Since then, she has been in this occupation. She works Monday through Saturday from 7 am until 5 pm.
She hopes to improve her home with Ceprodel’s loan thus improving her and her family’s living conditions.
Julia R. is married and has three children, two of whom are school-aged and for whom she, together with her husband, must provide for all educational expenses.
This is her 5th loan with Ceprodel in a 6-year period. They have helped her to improve her home and to purchase home appliances that have eased her domestic chores.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.