A loan helped to buy two dairy cows.

Víctor Antonio's story

Víctor Antonio G. Días has spent most of his life as a farmer and cattleman in El Caimito, Somotillo. He raises cattle, pigs, fowl and horses; he also farms corn, sesame and sorghum with which he supports his family, which is composed of his wife and two children, who are 4 and 6 years of age respectively. Víctor Antonio G. D.s work day is from 6am to 4pm. Among his main chores is taking the cattle to forage and caring for his crops.

He has had 3 loans that have improved his production system in that he bought a mill to grind corn which is diversifying his source of income and improved his life style and support of this family.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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