A loan helped a member to buy merchandise to sell such as dairy products, baking, vegetables, fruits etc.

Mujeres Valientes Group's story

The Mujeres Valientes group was formed because of the shared experiences of neighbours which motivated them to make a group. There are thirteen members in the group, all with positive hopes for the jobs they are doing.

One of the members is Raimunda who is known for being very entrepreneurial. She earns her living from sales through which she helps her family get ahead. She runs a modest store where she works every day from early in the morning. Raimunda explains that the group joined forces in order to meet challenges and in this way provide the best they can for their families.

She is seeking this loan to buy merchandise to sell in her store such as dairy products, baking, vegetables, fruits etc.

In this group: Lidia, Raimunda, Irene, Teresa, Sandra, Zunilda, Maria, Dahiana, Nidia, Gladys, Avelina, Cristina, Eva

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jane A.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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