A loan helped to buy supplies for her vegetable crops and to pay workers to plant tomatoes and bell peppers in order to increase her production and improve her family's quality of life.

Carmen's story

Carmen has worked in agriculture from a very young age. Specifically, she grows vegetables. She started in this field because her family has always worked in agriculture.

Carmen's wish is to continue in her job as a farmer. For that reason she seeks a loan to buy supplies for her vegetable crops and to pay workers to plant tomatoes and bell peppers, in order to increase her production and offer a quality product to her customers in the fairs in her community. This will allow her to increase her financial income, and she will be able to impart to her children the importance of working with dignity. In turn, Carmen will be able to provide her family a better quality of life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It supports women to start their own agricultural projects.

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