A loan helped to purchase silk materials for continuing her weaving business.

Savinh's story

Mrs. Savinh D. (shown in the photo), and her husband, Mr. Boeun Chea, live on an island in the Mekong River about 15 kilometers from Phnom Penh and have been married for over thirty years. They have six children, two daughters and four sons. Three of their children are married and live outside the family home, one is a soldier, another is a construction worker and the youngest one is in school.

Savinh has been a silk weaver since she was 27 years old, a skill she learned from her neighbor. She sells her finished products to a middleman in the village who then takes them to sell in Phnom Penh. She is requesting a loan of US$ 500 to purchase silk materials for continuing her weaving business.

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