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A loan helped .

Francisco's story

I was born in a music family in Ponce Puerto Rico. My grandfather told me to sing at 4 years old and since that moment I am singing. I study music and have a bachelor in music education and choral direction from the PUCPR in Ponce PR. I have traveled the world visiting countries like USA, Aruba, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Spain, Peru, Colombia and many more, making music with the University Chorus and some bands an orchestras of my country like Costa Brava and Conjunto Chaney.

Today, I think that I have reach the music, vocal and mental maturity to make my own songs a big hit and I dream to travel the world like I do it before but this time singing my own repertoire and with my own songs.
I have been and independent musician for a lot of years making my own contracts and my own shows. That demonstrates my spirit and the commitment that I have with my music and my fans and my clients.

This loan is special because:

It helps a hardworking Puerto Rican musician produce his first studio album.

Loan details

About FJ Music

Industry: Entertainment
Years in operation: New Business

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details

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