A loan helped a member to buy four bags of fertilizer.

Majiga Group's story

Mary,29, is married with three children. Her husband is not working currently.

Mary sells fertilizer. She intends to buy four bags of fertilizer with her portion of the loan and stock her business. She started the business to move her family out of poverty and be self-reliant. One of her family members works with her in the business.

Mary’s ambitions are to construct a house and expand her business.

In this group: Pauline, Annie, Beatrice, Agness, Funny, Alefa, Mary, Malita, Mary, Malita, Mefa, Rose, Bridget, Evelesi, Halliet, Esnart, Esnart, Judith, Esther, Nolia, Enelesi, Alekereni

This loan is special because:

It enables women living below the poverty line to start businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details