A loan helped provide low income communities in Bangladesh with clean drinking water.

Drinkwell's story

This loan may have a higher risk but higher impact. Learn more here.
This is Drinkwell's second loan on Kiva.

Drinking water in Bangladesh is contaminated with arsenic, which cannot be seen or smelt, nearly 43,000 people die each year from arsenic-related illnesses. Many of the 6 million slum dwellers in Dhaka rely on illegal tap water, unregulated vendors and other informal sources that are contaminated with arsenic and bacteria.

Drinkwell's technology system removes arsenic and bacteria from water. Their "Water ATMs" are mobile money enabled and disburse safe, metered, drinking water. By partnering with the main utility company, Drinkwell is retrofitting existing water infrastructure to provide water directly to low-income households. They have installed 80 systems and plan to install 300 water ATM across Dhaka. Drinkwell creates jobs and improves economic activity through safe water provision in Bangladesh.

This Kiva loan will help install 20 Water ATM booths. Each Drinkwell ATM serves up to 2,000 households on a daily basis with clean water. You can see a Water ATM in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DE7IV4UPa0

(Drinkwell picture courtesy of Sandro di Carlo Darsa)

This loan is special because:

everyone deserves access to clean, safe drinking water

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