A loan helped a member buy bulk merchandise.

Guadalupe Group's story

The Guadalupe group is represented by Carmen and maD. up of 17 members, fathers and mothers who work hard to help their families get ahead in life.

For example, Carmen Silvia provides cleaning services, and is responsible for supporting her two daughters, since she doesn’t have any help from a husband. She starts working for the cleaning services at 6am each day. In the afternoons, she washes clothing at private homes. In the evenings, she teaches her daughters, because her greatest dream is for them to grow up to be working professionals. However, she has realized that she is unable to save money for her daughters’ future and so has decided to start selling hamburgers and sandwiches on the weekends in a park near the street where she lives. During the week, she will sell hamburgers from the door of her rental home.

Carmen, the group's president, has been working in commerce for the past 24 years, and sells different items according to market demand. She will use this loan to acquire to buy bulk merchandise in order to keep her costs down.

The other group members sell food, basic grocery items, bread, cosmetics and beauty products. Some of the male group members work as employees, carpenters, motorcycle taxi drivers, and carry out other activities in order to make progress in life and fulfill their obligations. There is a lot of competition within their respective fields, and all of these men and women are self-sacrificing and work hard in order to earn the income they need to support their families. The loan will be used to buy a variety of products for their businesses and improve the services they offer to their customers so that their businesses will generate more income and an improve their respective economic situations. Since this is a new group, they have received a training session and are content and satisfied to be Agrocapital clients. Some of the group members already have experience taking out similar loans from other institutions.

In this group: Carmen, Yenny Aidez, Ana Karen, Katerine, Natividad, Teodora, Jorge Luis, Quintino, Yrene, Jeanine, Jose Elias, Federico, Maida, Carmen Silvia, Maria Del Carmen, Lourdes, Maria Jesus

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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