A loan helped to buy oil, brake fluid, batteries, LED lights, headlights, and rear-view mirrors.

Julio Enrique's story

Julio is a young father at 23 years old. He barely finished his primary education since he comes from a humble family, which caused him to make bad decisions. But as time has passed, he has managed to change this. When he became a father at only 15 years old, it led him to want to give his child a better future than what he had. Julio works in a car shop. He learned the worked there, and has thereby managed to support his family, which is now his partner and two children who are 8 years and 11 months old. A year ago, with the goal of obtaining more income, he started his business selling car parts and accessories, which he does while working as a mechanic. The quality of his service has caused his customers to visit him more often, which is why he is requesting a loan to buy oil, brake fluid, batteries, LED lights, headlights, and rear-view mirrors. With this, he will stock his business and obtain a greater profitability, which will enable him to keep changing his lifestyle.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Julie Arenson.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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