A loan helped buy equipment for the new clinic that will serve an additional 2,500 patients per month once fully operational.

Doktuz's story

More than 7 million people in Peru do not have any health insurance. Low-income populations are the most vulnerable with over 40% of individuals with health related needs not seeking medical attention due to: prohibitive costs, distance needed to travel to see a doctor, waiting time (19 days on average in Peru), and lack of trust in the healthcare system.

Doktuz is a social enterprise based in Lima, Peru that aims to transform the health experience of marginalized people by promoting preventative care with high-quality services at no cost for the patients. The services include a general medical exam, x-rays, spirometry, audiometry, ophthalmological exam, lab exams and psychiatric evaluations. Doktuz also uses innovative technology to monitor and maintain patients’ health, identify risk factors and intervene before disease is developed. To date, Doktuz has improved the lives of over 115,000 patients.

Loan Use:
This USD50k loan will enable Doktuz to complete the USD 135k that it needs to open a new health clinic and buy the needed equipment; hire staff and have the working capital to scale up to servicing 2,500 additional patients monthly, once fully operational.

This loan is special because:

It supports early stage social businesses that can't get a bank loan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details