A loan helped a member to buy perfumes, creams and lipsticks.

As Petalas De Jesus Group's story

The leader of the group is Maria, the fourth in the picture. She is married and has three children. She is very diligent and hard-working. She always worked self employed to earn her money, and today she also helps her husband with the household expenses.

She works selling cosmetics at her home. She dreams of having a large store so that she can better serve her customers and win new ones, and she also dreams of owning her own home. The loan will be used for the purchase of perfumes, creams and lipsticks.

The group is made up of five women members, who derive their families' livelihoods from their business activities. They thank their lenders for the loan, which helps them to improve their business activities and give a new vision to the future.

In this group: Eliana , Pétala, Vilhany, Aline, Maria

Translator profile picture

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Christine Bruggemann.

This loan is special because:

This is one of few affordable credit options for low-income borrowers in São Paulo, Brazil.

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