A loan helped a member to buy high quality German thread.

Flor De Cafe Ii Group's story

The beautiful and vibrant traditional Mayan textiles of Guatemala are works of art that have been woven for over 2,000 years. They have been an important part of Mayan culture and a vital part of the wearer’s identity. Mayan mothers have taught their daughters how to weave at an early age.

This is the work of 36-year-old Elena, the secretary of the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Flor de Cafe II” in the department/state of Quiche. She is a married mother of nine children who range in age from 1-19. Four of her children are in primary and secondary schools. Elena has a floor loom and weaves intricate designs for traditional skirts or “cortes.” She is currently requesting her first Kiva loan to buy high quality German thread so that she can fill orders.

The department of Quiche is filled with markets where corn, wheat, sugar cane and beans are sold. It is also an area where many traditional handicrafts and textiles are made. The seven Maya ladies in the Trust Bank have animal husbandry and traditional textile businesses. They are excited to be requesting their first Kiva loan and have learned to plan, budget, invest and save in their monthly meetings. They have also learned about other relevant topics like health, hygiene, nutrition and how to use medicinal plants. Friendship Bridge calls the effective combination of loans, education and health care services “Microcredit Plus.”

Gratitude goes to Kiva investors from all parts of the world who fund these much appreciated loans!

In this group: Elena , Rosa , Cecilia , Elena , Jacinta , Faustina Rosa , Juana

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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