A loan helped to buy school supplies.

Marisela Dusley's story

32-year old mother Marisela lives with her husband and their two children in the neighbourhood of San Martín on the outskirts of the city of Lambayeque which is located 20 minutes north of Chiclayo.

She sells basic necessities such as groceries and vegetables in a little store which she runs out of her own home. The idea for the store arose out of the need to support her family, since her husband’s income from his job as a construction worker did not cover household expenses.

The growing number of requests from her customers and the approaching start of the school year across the country have made her want to expand her stock by buying school supplies. For this reason she approached Kiva partner Edpyme Alternativa for the first time for a loan of 2000 soles to help her achieve her goal.

Marisela is a hardworking mother who is very devoted to her family. Her neighbours and customers hold her in high esteem and consider her an honourable woman who always does her best to help whenever possible.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jane A.

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