A loan helped to purchase goats in order to start her dairy business.

Karpaga's story

Karpaga is a 31-year-old woman from the Thiruvarur district of Tamil Nadu. She has a family of four members. She wants to start a dairy business. With a monthly household income of INR 12,500, the family barely earns enough to make ends meet. The meagre monthly savings cannot provide for a new business.

Hence, she has applied for a loan amount of INR 40,000 from Bharathi Women Development Center, one of Milaap's field partners. With the loan amount, the family has decided to buy a few milk goats to start the dairy business. Through this investment, they will be able to procure milk, and other milk products like butter, cheese, and curd. Later on, she plans to sell the goat for meat when it becomes mature.

She and her family will be grateful for your support.

This loan is special because:

It provides business loans to micro-entrepreneurs in Tamil Nadu.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details