Jorge Alberto R. G. is 52 years old and lives with his mother in the small community of La Trinchera de Pital, which is located in Alajuela Province. The main business activities in the area are livestock breeding and agriculture, with an emphasis on the cultivation of pineapple to be sold primarily to international markets. Community development has been growing in recent years, thereby generating more demand for goods and services, as well as creating job opportunities.
From a young age, Don Jorge has been raising pigs for fattening. He sells the animals to residents of the community, who are very satisfied with their quality. Since his business started, Don Jorge says it has done very well and has enabled his family to get ahead. He is now requesting a loan of 500,000 CRC to acquire more pigs for fattening. Part of the money will be used to purchase feed and other supplies needed for his business to succeed. With this investment, he hopes his micro-enterprise will continue to grow so that he can serve more customers and offer them better products.
Jorge Alberto R. G. is a member of the Communal Enterprise of Successful Women for La Trinchera de Pital, one of 100 partner organizations that make up EDESA in Costa Rica. This will be his first loan and he hopes to continue growing personally and financially. In addition, he plans to actively participate in his local micro-credit organization.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.