A loan helped a member to buy fabric and thread.

Renascer I Group's story

The group leader is Edleusa, the third one in the photo. She is divorced and she lives with her daughter and granddaughter. When she was young, she came from northeastern Brazil in search of better living conditions. To support her children, she did cleaning work and managed to do some sewing jobs. Then she fell in love with the profession. She saved up some money and bought a small sewing machine. She dreams of having a place in her own residence in the future to set up a workshop with several machines, and of having a stable financial life to make the most of it. The loan will be for buying fabric and thread.

The group is made up of four members who rely on their businesses to support their families. They thank their investors, as the loan helps them to improve their businesses and standard of living.

In this group: Edleusa, Erica, Vilma, Rute

Translator profile picture

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Laura Kanost.

This loan is special because:

This is one of few affordable credit options for low-income borrowers in São Paulo, Brazil.

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