A loan helped to gain access to cost-efficient hybrid seeds and fertilizer for crop cultivation for this woman with a good credit history.

Florence's story

Meet Florence, a 59-year-old mom of four. She is a smallholder farmer who is very proactive in her approach to her farm decisions. Having been raised in a poor rural home, she was never lucky enough to secure admission to a higher learning institution. However, she learned farming skills from her parents. She takes all responsibilities on her farm to heart and works towards her goals. She is determined to succeed and give her family a better lifestyle. She has been practicing mixed farming.

In the modern world, agriculture has become exceedingly dynamic, therefore making the kind of inputs that are being used in the sector today upgraded. On this note, there is a need to use improved farming inputs for effective production.

Florence is seeking a loan to buy farm inputs such as seeds and fertilizers. Your loan will enable her to improve her production through the use of quality farm inputs. This intervention will help her fill the increasing demand for food in the market and, in the process, generate more income to repay the loan debt and improve the quality of life for her family. Florence hopes to improve the condition of her house.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details