A loan helped to buy fishing net and maintain the boat for fishing.

Đạo's story

Đạo is 54 years old and has five children. She lives in Quang Xuong district, near the sea. Her husband is a fisherman, and she sells fish in the local market.

Her family's income depends on the profits of fishing. She wants to invest in her business to make more profits to raise her kids.

She is requesting a loan to buy fishing net and maintain the boat for fishing. With the new tools, the income will be increased.

This is her seventh loan cycle with Thanh Hoa MFI. With her business profit, Đạo hopes for her family to be healthy and happy, to be able to buy more supplies and equipment for her business, and to have a bright future for her children.

This loan is special because:

It allows remote rural farmers make investments and increase their income

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details