Secundina is one of eight Maya Tzutujil ladies who formed the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Maria de Asuncion” in the department/state of Solola. She is 51 years old and has worked for 10 years as a teacher in private schools. She lives with her husband and the couple has raised 3 children who are now over the age of 27. With a great deal of effort, each has at least a secondary education and some have gone to university. The area where Secundina lives is very traditional and the ladies wear colorful outfits, or “traje”. Secundina is known as a talented seamstress who makes beautiful regional blouses, or “blusas”. She is requesting her 2nd Kiva loan to purchase fabric as well as lace and decorations in various colors and sizes.
Secundina and her friends look forward to their monthly Trust Bank meetings when they offer each other support, make loan payments, and participate in educational trainings, part of the “Microcredit Plus” program of loans, education, and health care services. The topics of the educational sessions are relevant to the ladies and are drawn from 4 areas that include: business, health, family, and women. Often they share what they have learned with friends and family. Secundina shares, “These topics are very important so that we can develop ourselves. Also, I’m grateful to have access to health care so that future problems can be avoided.”
Thank you, Kiva investors, for your kindness in funding these much appreciated loans.
In this group: Andrea Ermelinda , Rebeca , Sandra , Rosa Esther , Maria Teresa , Marly Rosenda , Secundina Isabel , Ingrid Rosario