A loan helped to buy more pandanus and other needs for her weaving business.

Valeti's story

Valeti is a 46-year-old mother from the island of Vava'u. She has seven children, is married to a carpenter, and they live in their own home. Her business is weaving, and she does it on her own, back at home. She runs her business every day except for Sunday.

Basically, she weaves mats of both white and brown pandanus, with different sizes, then sends it to families overseas and also sells it out through the internet. She earns good money from her business. However, sometimes she cannot meet the needs of the customers, due to lack of pandanus. This is the only problem that she usually faces.

She is hoping to use her loan money to buy more pandanus for her business, so she will be able to satisfy her customers’ demands. Her vision for the future is to continue on running her business and earn more from it.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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