A loan helped to purchase a new sewing machine, needles, threads, cloth, etc in order to expand her tailoring business.

Meenakshi's story

Meenakshi is a 23-year-old married woman from Jaipur, Rajasthan. She has a family of 3 members and a monthly household income of INR 16,000. She is engaged in the tailoring business. She provides tailoring services to the customers from the village. She sews different kinds of ladies garments at her shop.

In order to make more profit and increase income, she plans to purchase a new sewing machine and sewing accessories such as needles, threads, cloth, etc. Hence, she has applied for a loan of INR 25,000 from Apani Sahkari Sewa Samiti, one of Milaap's field partners.

She and her family will be thankful to the lenders for their support.

This loan is special because:

It provides business loans to women micro-entrepreneurs in Rajasthan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details