A loan helped to pay for her personal course of medication so in this way she can improve her health.

Raihon's story

Raihon is a polite and kind-hearted woman from Firdavsi, Tajikistan. She is 65 years old, widowed and has a son who is an immigrant and works abroad. Raihon lives with her 2 young grandchildren in a house.

Since 2009 she has been working in a public school as a teacher. Raihon is an excellent teacher who has more than 30 years of experience in this sphere. She loves her profession and is respected by her colleagues.

Unfortunately, Raihon is becoming ill and needs a treatment for herself. She has no enough money in time and decided to ask for a loan from KIVA’s partner. She is asking for a loan from KIVA’s partner IMON and awaits lender’s help!

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details