Felix Pedro M. is 46 years old. He lives in the town of San Geronimo, Namasigue, departament of Choluteca.
Felix sells charamuscas- handmade popsicles frozen in baggies-in different flavors. He makes them with fruit, milk, water and in some cases he also uses flavorings or powdered drinks.
The charamuscas sell very well in this community, since it is an area with high temperatures and people buy them to cool off a little from the heat.
His clients prefer him since he makes them in a very hygienically, but the best part about the charamuscas is their delicious flavor. Right now, Felix needs the loan to buy more fruit and materials to make the charamuscas. The school year is about to begin and Holy Week is coming and this product is in high demand. With the earnings he will make he will be be able to cover his family's and his home's expenses.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue. View original language description.