A loan helped to buy tennis shoes for women and girls, and to increase working capital of her business.

Nellis's story

Nellis is an enterprising woman, 38 years of age, who lives with her 16 year-old child in the municipality of Soledad. For approximately three years, she has had a business selling tennis shoes, blankets, and sheets. Nellis started this business after separating from her romantic partner. After this, she saw the need to generate income that would help her to improve the quality of life of herself and her child, and give him the best education.

She offers her services daily. Her principal clients are neighbors, relatives, friends, and people from nearby areas. She offers payment for credit or cash.

She is requesting her first Kiva loan through the Fundación Mario Santo Domingo to buy tennis shoes for women and girls, and to increase working capital of her business, to be able to meet the demand of orders and increase profits. Support her loan for her business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It provides borrowers in micro businesses with affordable loans.

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